Sunday, March 8, 2009

Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills:

"Conversation... is the art of never appearing a bore, of knowing how to say everything interestingly, to entertain with no matter what, to be charming with nothing at all." Thus, communication is best achieved through simple planning and control. To ensure efficient and effective conversation there are three prime

Presentation Skills

Listening Skills

Speaking Skills

According to experts in the field of communication training, presentation skills includes not only, aspects relating to non-verbal skills, etiquette and grooming, but also other factors such as listening and speaking.

In order to ensure effective communication and presentation skills one needs to keep the following factors in mind:

Avoid ambiguity

Accept feedback in order to gain confirmation and rule out confusion

The non-verbal presentation factors are:

Voice: This implies the tone - sarcastic or sincere; warm or cold; rich and expressive; or dull and flat. The other voice aspect is the volume - shouting, barely audible or medium volume.

Speech pattern: slow, hesitant, fast, jerky, abrupt or even-steady pace.

Facial expression: This includes:

The brow/forehead: Wrinkled or smooth

Eyebrows: wrinkled or smooth

Jaw/mouth region: firm or relaxed

Eye contact: Whether the speaker is looking at the listener/audience being

Gestures: This includes the hand movements such as: hand-wringing, open hand movements, finger pointing, fist thumping, etc.

Postures: This is important, as it shows how interested the speaker or listener is.

Body movement: This includes the movement of the body such as shrugs and shuffles, arms crossed or left lose, strides or standing in one position.

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