Communication Skills Training
Training has become an important aspect of corporate development and progress. In fact, an increasing number of companies have been identifying various areas where training is required; and the leading among them has been communication skills.
Management across the various industries have realized that improving communication skills amongst their staff not only helps them in communicating and negotiating better with clients, but also helps in maintaining better interpersonal relations at the workplace, which in turn brings about a harmonious and productive working environment.
While conducting communication skills training, a trainer usually covers the following topics through the program. However, the number and type of topics do vary according to training needs and the level being trained...
Here is a comprehensive and exhaustive list of communication skills topics that are included in the various training programs...
What are communication skillsBusiness communication skillsHow to improve English speakingTaking responsibility for what is being communicatedListening skillsAdaptation to differencesAsking and accepting feedback - praises and criticismAssertive communicating skillsAttentive listening skillsBeing aware of all communicated messagesBeing gently repetitive to drive in important points and messagesAddressing people appropriatelyAbility to handle cognitive complexityAbility to resolve conflicts with a compromiseUsing specific examples with concrete examplesAbility to confront a situation without upsetting the apple cartSpeaking using descriptive language without being boringUsing details and examplesFiltering irrational thoughts and emotionsBeing empatheticSupportive communication skillsAccepting manipulative criticism, without revoltingGiving effective and needed feedback without being judgmental and aggressive
gestures and facial
Initiating the communication process
Managing an interaction
Ability to interpret without being biased or judgmental
Recognizing emotions and being sensitive to other's feelings and emotions
Taking responsibility for one's own feelings and emotions
Paraphrasing without distorting original message
Perceiving without letting one's own judgments cloud the actual perception
Understanding what is being communicated from various perspectives
Being politePraising without being superfluous
Making provisional statements
Putting forth appropriate questions
Remembering and recalling
Revealing vital self-information
Making supportive statements
Being versatile
Conflict resolution - win-win problem solving ability